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Let Us Walk With Jesus

From the music of the Buena Vista Social Club to Gloria Estefan, the lyrical melodies and infectious rhythms of Cuban music have become embedded in U.S. culture. With Caminemos con Jesús / Let Us Walk with Jesus, composer Tony Alonso presents a groundbreaking collection of liturgical music that calls on his own Cuban musical heritage to provide new ways of singing the liturgy in Spanish, English or bilingually. The first project of its kind, Caminemos con Jesús not only utilizes rich Cuban idioms but also explores what style and musical form can teach us about praying together across cultural and linguistic boundaries.


The dynamic call-and-response form that is a hallmark of traditional Cuban music makes these songs especially compelling choices for bilingual worship, allowing assemblies to learn, internalize, and pray easily in both Spanish and English. “Qué Alegría Cuando Me Dijeron / I Rejoiced When I Heard Them Say” uses the words of the psalm as a rhythmic mantra, creating a fresh and engaging way to gather as the Body of Christ. “Letanía a la Madre de las Américas / Litany of Mary of The Americas,” invokes the Mary of many names and nations with a simple yet strong response that will enliven Marian feasts throughout the year. The gentle simplicity of “Tres Guajiros / Three Peasants” re-imagines the story of the Magi as humble peasants bringing gifts of the land to honor the newborn Jesus. Also, in this collection and for the first time in published form, is Gloria Estefan’s “Caridad,” a powerful and poetic prayer to Our Lady of Charity, the patroness of Cuba.


All of the pieces of this collection focus on the importance of bringing the voices of the assembly to the forefront while the arrangements are skillfully crafted to be accessible to musicians of all abilities. In addition to the spiral-bound edition, individual octavos, and flute and brass parts, Caminemos con Jesús offers a special edition featuring parts for guitar, percussion and other instruments central to Cuban music.


The studio recording is a stunning source of prayer and inspiration, produced in Miami by Grammy Award winner Juan Delgado and featuring some of the finest Cuban-American musicians today. 

Caminemos con Jesús

Desde la música de Buena Vista Social Club hasta la de Gloria Estefan, las melodías líricas y ritmos contagiosos de la música cubana son incrustados en la cultura estadounidense. Con Caminemos con Jesús / Let Us Walk with Jesus, el compositor Tony Alonso presenta una colección innovadora de música litúrgica que incorpora su herencia musical cubana para producir una manera nueva de cantar la liturgia — en español, inglés o bilingüemente. El primer proyecto de este tipo, Caminemos con Jesús no sólo utiliza modismos ricos de Cuba sino también explora lo que el estilo y la forma musical nos pueden enseñar con respeto a rezar juntos a través de los límites culturales y lingüísticos. 


La forma dinámica de llamada-y-respuesta que es un sello distintivo de la música cubana tradicional crea opciones cautivadoras para los rituales bilingües donde la asamblea puede aprender, interiorizar y rezar facilmente tanto en español como en inglés. “Qué Alegría Cuando Me Dijeron” incorpora la letra del salmo como una mantra rítmica, creando una manera original para congregar al Cuerpo de Cristo. La “Letanía a la Madre de las Américas,” la cual invoca a la María de muchos nombres y naciones utilizando una respuesta sencilla y fuerte, enriquecerá a las fiestas marianas de muchos pueblos durante todo el año. La sencillez suave de “Tres Guajiros” reimagina la historia de los Reyes Magos como guajiros humildes, trayendo regalos de la tierra para honrar al recién nacido Jesús. También se encuentra en esta colección, por la primera vez en forma publicada, el tema musical “Caridad” por Gloria Estefan, que es una oración poderosa y poética a Nuestra Madre de Caridad, la patrona de Cuba.


Todas las piezas en esta colección se enfocan en la importancia de las voces de la asamblea mientras los arreglos son accesibles para los músicos de todas habilidades. Además de la edición con espiral, las partituras corales individuales, y las ediciones para flauta y instrumentos de metal, Caminemos con Jesús también ofrece una edición para guitarra con partituras adicionales para percusión y otros instrumentos centrales en la música cubana.


La grabación del estudio es espectacular, una fuente de oración y inspiración. Producido en Miami por el ganador de Grammy Juan Delgado, el álbum destaca los talentos de unos de los mejores músicos cubano-americanos de hoy día. 

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Tony Alonso is a Latin Grammy nominated composer of sacred music and a scholar whose work responds to the diverse realities of contemporary culture. 


A Cuban-American Roman Catholic, Tony's compositions embrace multicultural musical expressions and reflect a commitment to strong ritual song. His music appears in compilations and hymnals across Christian denominations throughout the world. His "Mass of Joy and Peace" is one of the most widely sung Mass settings in the English-speaking world. In 2015, Tony's compositional work was recognized with an invitation to compose the responsorial psalm for the first Mass Pope Francis celebrated in the United States. In 2020, he was nominated for a Latin Grammy for his groundbreaking album "Caminemos con Jesús" (GIA Publications, 2020). 


Tony's scholarly work lies at the intersection of liturgical theology and cultural studies. He has authored articles in journals such as Modern Theology, Worship, and Liturgy. In 2019, he was awarded the Catherine Mowry LaCugna Award for new scholars for the best academic essay in the field of theology within the Roman Catholic tradition by the Catholic Theological Society of America. His book Commodified Communion: Eucharist, Consumer Culture, and the Practice of Everyday Life (Fordham University Press, 2021) was awarded the 2021 Hispanic Theological Initiative Book Prize, an award that recognizes the best book written by a junior Latinx scholar on theology or religion each year.


Tony holds a Bachelor of Music in choral conducting from Northwestern University, a Master of Arts in theology from Loyola Marymount University, and a PhD in religion from Emory University. He is currently Aquinas Associate Professor of Theology and Culture at Candler School of Theology at Emory University where he also serves as the inaugural Director of Catholic Studies. 

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